Staff Senate Exploratory Committee

Formed in the spring of 2021, the Staff Senate Exploratory Committee was charged with the development of a staff governance body that would represent and advocate for all University of Nebraska–Lincoln staff. The Staff Senate Exploratory Committee sought to fulfill the N2025 aim of creating and allowing access to a university-sponsored staff council for staff to provide input on relevant issues to university leadership. During fall 2021, the exploratory committee, drafted bylaws and a proposed method for the formation of a staff senate. The committee held listening sessions with staff in early 2022 to gather feedback on the proposed plans. Through discussions with campus leaders and a series of open forums, the committee developed an organizational structure and selected Joann Ross to serve as coordinator for the Staff Senate.

As a result of the Exploratory Committee's hard work for the first time in its history, the University of Nebraska–Lincoln elected a governance body that will provide a voice for staff employees.

Formed through a call for nominations announced in September and as part of an N2025 strategic plan goal, the Staff Senate is tasked with providing input and guidance on relevant issues to university leaders. Elections were held from Oct. 31 to Nov. 22, with 57 members selected — 53 who can vote, representing specific areas of the campus community, and four ex-officio, non-voting members from the NU system.


Exploratory Committee members on the 2 year anniversary of Staff Senate





Lindsay AugustynAssociate Director & Communications CoordinatorCenter for Science, Mathematics & Computer Education
Amy BarryAssistant Director, Academic TechnologiesIT Academic Technology
Emily DeekerDirector, Campus Planning & EnvironmentCampus Planning & Space Management
John GoldrichCounselorUniversity Health Center and College of Nursing
Catia GuerreroAdministrative AssociateOffice of the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance
Terry HaverkostStrategic Research Funding CoordinatorChemistry
Amy LanhamDirectorCampus Recreation
Tony LazarowiczAssociate Director for Academic AdvisingCollege of Arts & Sciences
Suzan LundAssociate DirectorSponsored Programs
Casey LundbergOperations ManagerNUtech Ventures
Michael MaasCompliance/Accreditation ManagerUniversity Police
Kacey Nelkin PedersenGrants CoordinatorSponsored Programs
Amy OrtInstructional Design Tech SpecialistCenter for Transformative Teaching
Ann PowersResearch TechnicianAgronomy & Horticulture
Joann RossStaff Senate Coordinator and Honors Faculty FellowChancellor's Office and Honors Program
Angela RushmanProject & Instructional TechnicianNebraska Extension
Jennifer RuttSenior Evaluation Project ManagerSocial/Behavioral Science Research Consort
Pat TetreaultDirector, LGBTQA+ Resource Center & Women's CenterOffice of Academic Success & Intercultural Services