Staff Senate Committees

Staff Senators are required to serve on at least one standing committee and attend all committee meetings to which they are assigned, unless excused by the committee chair. Committee members shall be appointed at the first meeting of the term. Committee members will be appointed by the President or presiding Chair. Standing Committees will meet on opposite months of the full Senate unless otherwise noted. Standing committees include the Executive Committee, the Bylaws Committee, the Liaison Committee, the Communications Committee, the Elections Committee, the Personnel Affairs Committee, and the Recognition Committee.

* denotes the committee chair(s)

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall consist of six (6) members, including the President, the Vice President for Internal Affairs, the Vice President for External Affairs, Executive Advisor, the Secretary, and the Executive Secretary.

Duties of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall meet once per week or as necessary. The Executive Committee shall act for the staff between meetings of the Senate and the Assembly. The Executive Committee shall meet with the Chancellor of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln at least once per semester, except when waived by mutual consent. The Executive Committee shall advise and otherwise assist the Chancellor in implementing all the duties and administrative functions specified in 2.8.2 of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska. The Executive Committee shall report to the Staff Senate about such meetings and receive instructions from the Staff Senate concerning the position of the staff relating to the operations of the University. The Executive Committee shall also meet with the Chief of Staff at least monthly, except when waived by mutual consent, and shall advise and otherwise assist the Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief of Staff in carrying out the duties and functions specified in Section of the Bylaws of UNL.


Executive Committee Members:

Jordan Gonzales* | Jessie Brophy | Jerri Harner | Morgan Green McConnell | Sara Haake | Joann Ross

Bylaws Committee

Purpose: Review of and make recommendations for amendments of the bylaws and the Staff Senate policies and procedures.

Duties of the Bylaws Committee:

  • Serve as a resource for the Executive Committee and the Staff Senate regarding potential amendments to the bylaws
  • Review proposed amendments to ensure they are consistent with the current bylaws and bring proposed amendments to the Staff Senate at the next regular meeting for a vote of approval
  • Compile the approved amendments and present the amended bylaws to the Executive Committee at the last meeting of the year
  • Act as a parliamentary advisor during Staff Senate meetings


Bylaws Committee Members:

Jessie Brophy |  Blake France | Jena Johnson | Doug Pellatz | Julia Stubblefield | Lisa Vonfeldt

Liasion Committee

Purpose: Oversee the appointment of Senate members to liaise with other campus committees and bring issues or important information to the attention of the full Senate. 

Duties of the Liaison Committee

  • Coordinate representation of Staff Senate members with organizations and commissions both within and outside of campus
  • Recommend who will serve as representatives on organizations and commissions
  • Find and recommend replacements for liaisons as seats become available
  • Compile committee reports to present during Senate meetings 
  • Review and update annually a list of Senate and other campus-wide standing committees


Liaison Committee Members:

Regina Flowers* | Tony Lazarowicz | Maria Mulbach | Amy Ort* | Celeste Spier 

Communication Committee

Purpose: Create and maintain communications for the Staff Senate

Duties of the Communications Committee

  • Promote the Staff Senate's work and opportunities for staff engagement on a consistent basis
  • Work to establish and increase awareness of the Staff Senate's role to advocate for and impact staff-related concerns and issues
  • Highlight applicable messaging from campus partners via Staff Senate's social media channels and its website
  • Supervise and suggest updates for the Staff Senate website
  • Maintain an active list of University staff for communications purposes


Communication Committee Members:

Eileen Bergt | Kate Carlin | Jolene Deinert | Sara Haake | Jenna Hanson | Jerri Harner | Derek McConnell* | Andrea Peterson | Katelyn Rife | Andrew Rose | Alisa Smith*

Elections Committee

Duties of the Elections Committee

  • Solicit candidates for open seats in the Senate, prioritizing candidates are representative of staff job categories and diversity
  • Organize elections in accordance with Section X.3.3
  • Maintain records of election results and terms of office
  • Evaluate the composition of each electoral constituency to ensure proper representation and provide a report to the executive committee prior to each election
  • Propose the apportionment of Senate seats according to established guidelines every other year at the October meeting


Election Committee Members:

Stephanie Hanson* | Joan Kunzman* | Erica Radach | Jaclyn Tan | Rhonda Zugmier

Recognition Committee

Purpose: Recognize and reward staff for exemplary service to the University or community

Duties of the Recognition Committee

  • Determine what campus-wide awards are available and propose new staff awards
  • Call for nominations for the awards each spring
  • Review submissions in terms of requirements
  • Notify nominees and recipients
  • Notify appropriate University offices and work with Communications Committee to publicize outcomes
  • Plan and implement an annual Staff Celebration Day


Recognition Committee Members:

Hilary Butler* | Sharity Czolgos | Scott Evans | AJ Holmes | Alisa Kushner | Morgan Green McConnell | Colleen Huls | Carrie Jackson* | Mikki Sandin |

Personnel Affairs Committee

Purpose: Provide an avenue for the regular exchange of ideas on personnel policies, employee benefits, University policies and procedures, and other matters that relate to University staff

Duties of the Personnel Affairs Committee

  • Review personnel-related grievances filed by staff members upon request
  • Review current benefits and personnel policies regarding compensation, hiring, hiring freezes, etc.
  • Make recommendations for changes that affect employees
  • Propose new benefits and policies that would benefit employees


Personnel Affairs Committee Members:

Beth Barry | Annalisa Davenport | Ian Edgington | Jill Flagel | Jamil Funnah | Spencer Hall | Meg Kester | Dave Long | Andrew Loseke | Jamie Mastera | Sara Mattson | Chance Radtke | Sharleen Roth | Jennifer Rutt* | Casey Seger-Franklin*