Meeting Notes: January 11, 2024


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Date: 11 January 2024, 2:30-4:00 pm  

Location: Swanson Auditorium, Nebraska Union 

 Note: These are not verbatim minutes. They are a summary of the discussions at the full Staff Senate meeting as corrected by those participating.

The meeting was called to order at 2:35.

Land acknowledgement reading

The University of Nebraska is a public, land-grant institution with campuses and programs across the State that reside on the past, present, and future homelands of the Pawnee, Ponca, Oto Missouria, Omaha, Dakota, Lakota, Arapaho, Cheyenne, and Kaw Peoples, as well as the relocated Ho Chunk (Winnebago), Iowa, and Sac and Fox Peoples.

The meeting was called to order at 2:33 PM. 

Land acknowledgement reading

Consent Agenda

     Minutes from November 9, 2023: Meeting minutes approved as submitted.

     Approval of today’s agenda –Motion passed. 

     Committee Reports – Communications, Elections and Recognition 

Officer Reports 

   President, Sara Haake

   Changes in membership

  • Addition of Samantha Link for District 6. She will serve on the Personnel Affairs Committee. 
  • Loss of Tareq Daher for District 3 (within the 6 months of the ending term, will not refill)

President Bennett just sent a message that introduced the finalized elements of the $12 million in budget cuts. It mirrors the proposal shared with campus in November.

  • APC updates: shared some of the suggested alternative cost-saving options that were proposed. 


  • Trev Alberts will visit once he has a  clear plan of the renovations for Memorial Stadium and how that might impact employee ticket holders.
  • Chancellor Bennett will be meeting with the Executive Committee next week. Jodan plans to request that all high-profile campus committees and administrator searches include a representative from the Staff Senate or members from the relevant department. 


Internal Vice President, Jordan Gonzales 

Valued shared governance partner

President Haake and I continue to represent the Staff Senate on the Academic Planning Committee. The APC has reconvened and will meet regularly through May 2024 to review additional budget proposals from Chancellor Bennett.

President Haake and I continue to share the same focus in this capacity: the budget cuts should (1) be examined carefully, (2) reflect on the university’s strategic priorities, and (3) make every effort to preserve existing staff positions.

President Haake and I continue to work with the Faculty Senate and the UNL AAUP chapter to ensure robust dialogue and shared governance are a continuing part of UNL’s budget process.

  • Shared governance is a collaborative process that involves the joint responsibility of students, staff, faculty, administrations, and governing boards to govern the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 
  • Learn more about the Faculty Senate online at

Representation on campus committees

With the departure of Assistant Vice Chancellor Nkenge Friday, Vice Chancellor Marco Barker will coordinate the Council on Inclusive Excellence and Diversity. I will continue to represent the Staff Senate on CIED and serve with Senators Meg Kester, Celeste Spier, and Pat Tetreault. 

When the Executive Committee meets with Chancellor Bennett on Jan. 16th, I’ll request that all high-profile campus committees and administrator searches include a representative from the Staff Senate or staff members from the relevant unit or department. 

ACTION: Please contact me if you’re aware of an important campus committee or prominent search that lacks staff representation. Additionally, I may approach you to serve on a key campus committee or prominent search committee.

Leadership is the act of showing up on purpose

You were elected by your peers and colleagues because they believe you have their best interests at the top of your mind and the core of your heart. 

As a leader, the best thing you can do is show up and be present. Your presence makes a statement and matters more than you may realize. 

I challenge you to show up and be present in your areas of involvement and influence on campus. 

ACTION: Show up and participate in the upcoming campus events in January. 



External Vice President, Jessie Brophy

As we embark on a transformative journey to enhance the impact of the Staff Senate, I want share a couple updates regarding the Nebraska Legislature and goals around our strategic initiatives.

2024 Goals: 

1. Strategic Plan Focus

We are committed to the continuous improvement of our strategic plan, ensuring it remains dynamic and responsive to the ever-changing landscape of our university. By fostering adaptability, we will be better equipped to address emerging challenges and align our efforts with the evolving needs of our staff.

2. Aim One - Elevate Prominence

Our primary objective is to establish the Staff Senate as the unequivocal representative body for university staff. We will implement strategic measures to amplify our presence and guarantee that our members are active participants in crucial discussions that shape the university's direction.

3. Strategy 1 - Increase Visibility

To strengthen our prominence, we will focus on enhancing the visibility of the Staff Senate on campus. By doing so, we aim to foster a deeper recognition of our role and contributions, ensuring that our voice is not only heard but also acknowledged.

4. Strategy 2 - Unified Communication

Communication is key, and we will adopt a unified voice to convey a cohesive message about the Staff Senate. This approach will not only reinforce our presence but also strengthen our representation, projecting a united front that resonates with the entire university community.

Legislative Affairs: 

As a member of the NU State Relations Council, and a member of the UNL Staff Senate Legislative Committee, I want to share a couple of quick legislative updates:

We are in Day 7 of the legislative session. Senators must introduce all legislative bills within the first 10 days of the session, so they have three more days to introduce bills. 

There are two pieces of legislation that could negatively impact everyone within the university. LB1064 has been introduced, focusing on prohibiting the Board of Regents at certain postsecondary institutions from granting tenure and establishing clear terms and conditions of employment. 

Additionally, we will vigilantly monitor bills that may be introduced regarding the elimination of DEI initiatives. The UNL Staff Senate legislative committee has been tracking this for a year now, and as of noon today no legislation in Nebraska has been introduced, but from what my sources say, it will happen this session. 

Even through these tough times together, let's chart a course toward a more visible, influential, and united Staff Senate. Your dedication and collaboration are crucial as we work towards these transformative goals.



DEI Committee, Jordan Gonzales, Acting Chair

There are two initiatives in the works and one possible direction. Met to recenter and refocus our purpose. The first initiative is looking at a better way to provide staff with a way to combat bullying in the workplace. The second initiative is looking at equity in the search process. The third initiative that was discussed was should any of the DEI legislation toward UNL pass we want to work with all parties to safeguard DEI at the University.


Legislation Committee, Ashley Washburn, Chair

The 60-day session of the Nebraska Legislature has started. Senators can introduce bills through January 19. This committee meets every two weeks to ensure responsiveness to changes in the legislative session. Pressing business will be posted on the Staff Senate Teams. Also, working with the Communications committee to put information on the Staff Senate website. The committee is keeping an eye on LB879 which would repeal LB574 from the last session. The committee is also watching any discussions on university funding that might happen during the session. Updates on that UNL employees would fall outside of the purview of the state government and therefore we would not be affected by the governor’s executive order to work in the office.


Liaison Committee, Patrick Barrett, Chair

The committee posted on the staff senate website a list of institution-wide committees. Regina Flowers is co-chairing the liaison committee.


Personal Affairs Committee, Meg Kester, Co-Chair

They have been researching winter shutdown leave. Staff in the office service category were the most affected staff members. There is a policy on unexcused absences that poses concern. Results were shared of research. Reach out to Meg Kester if you are interested in the report. Next steps shared options that staff could use from remote work during shutdown, training on policies. This report was sent to Human Resources with findings and suggestions.  It will be discussed in the near future.

Also, the committee is working on an Ombud proposal. Specifically looking for a staff ombud person that is not Human Resources.


Bylaws Committee, Jesse Brophy, Acting Chair

A motion was made to adjust the language of X.5.2. Nomination Procedure, Time of Elections. The motion was approved.

A motion was made to amend X.5.3. Elections of Officers, Term of Office. The motion was approved. 

 A motion was made to update X.3.3. Conduct of Elections to bring it into comportment with what is occurring.  The motion was approved. 

Motion carried by a majority of voting members present, with an amendment changing 1st week in January to 2nd week in January.  Since this change was accepted at the end of the 2nd week of January, after the intended action was to occur, a motion was approved to suspend this bylaw provision for this year only. 

A motion was made to update X.6.2. Calendar of meetings. The motion was tabled to the next meeting.

A motion was made to update the terms of X.1.3. Composition of Staff Assembly such that it would include Nebraska Extension employees to the composition of the UNL Staff Assembly and anyone else who works for UNL who is not represented by the faculty senate, the graduate student assembly, or ASUN.  The motion was approved. 

 Adjourn formal meeting at 4:00 p.m.