Jenna Hanson

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Jenna Hanson

Extension Asst 4-H NE Ext Engagement Zone 8 University of Nebraska-Lincoln


1071 County Rd G
Ithaca NE 68033-2234

Extension (Saunders County) Zone 8 IANR

This is my 5th year with UNL, first as a member of the Greater Nebraska Business Center and now as an extension assistant with Nebraska 4-H in Saunders County. I want to run for staff senate to represent the 4-H staff that exist across the state and share with others what we accomplish for the university. I think I have a unique perspective with my background at UNL and with my experience of raising my children who both attend or graduated from UNL. I hope to represent not only Nebraska 4-H but also the rural parts of our state that are not on campus.