Rules of Order

Rules of Order of the Staff Senate of the University of Nebraska – Lincoln

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Preamble: The following Rules of Order of the Staff Senate are designed to:

  1. Allow for the full and free discussion of all issues appropriately brought before the Staff Senate.
  2. Encourage consultation between senators and the members whom they represent.
  3. Allow the Staff Senate to act in a timely manner on the issues before it.

I. Basic Procedural Rules of the Staff Senate

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order (RONR) shall govern the conduct of Staff Senate meetings except insofar as they are superseded by the following rules of order.

II. Introduction of Motions and Timing of their Consideration

A motion may be moved by any senator or by a committee of the Staff Senate. Following the presentation of a report by an officer or committee, one or more motions to carry out recommendations related to the report may be introduced. Motions brought forward by a committee of the Staff Senate require no second from the floor.

When a principal motion has been moved and seconded, the presiding officer shall clearly state the motion and open the floor for debate. The member who made the motion will generally have the right to speak first in the debate.

Each Senator shall have two opportunities of no more than 3 minutes to debate or discuss a motion on the floor. If a Senator would like more time to speak, they may make a subsidiary motion to limit or extend the debate which requires a 2/3 vote of the staff senate.

III. Reconsideration

A motion to reconsider a vote must be made at the meeting at which the original vote was taken. The reconsideration shall occur as the next item of business at the meeting, unless a motion to postpone the reconsideration to a definite time is passed by the Staff Senate. Should the motion to reconsider be neither voted upon nor postponed by vote at the meeting prior to adjournment, the motion to reconsider shall be deemed to have failed.

IV. Rearrangement of the Agenda By the Presiding Officer

The presiding officer shall have the right to deviate from the published agenda of the Staff Senate to facilitate the reception of reports by an administrator or committee, or to otherwise assist the Staff Senate. Such deviation from the agenda shall be subject to appeal, which appeal shall require a simple majority of the voting members to approve.

V. Quorum

A quorum for the making of or action on motions of any sort other than a motion to adjourn shall consist of a majority of the voting members of the Staff Senate. Any member noticing the apparent absence of a quorum can make a point of order to that effect. The Staff Senate may continue to receive reports and discuss business before it so long as at least one quarter of the voting members are present.

VI. Writing of Amendments

If an amendment to a motion has a substantial change of more than a few words, it shall be submitted in writing to the secretary. The current secretary will decide and communicate what mechanism shall be used to submit the amendments.

VII. Proxies

On any motion or election before the senate, votes by proxy shall not be allowed.

VIII. Staff Senate Meeting Postponement or Cancellation

Staff Senate meetings shall be postponed or cancelled if:

  1. Regularly scheduled classes are cancelled on the day of the meeting by the appropriate UNL authority.
  2. The President of the Staff Senate gives notice of cancellation. Such notice shall be given 24 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting when feasible and shall include justification for the cancellation.
  3. Declaration of a campus emergency by the appropriate UNL authority.