Meeting Notes: November 9, 2023


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Date: November 9, 2023, 2:30-4:00 pm  

Location: Swanson Auditorium, Nebraska Union 

Note: These are not verbatim minutes. They are a summary of the discussions at the full Staff Senate meeting as corrected by those participating.

The meeting was called to order at 2:35.

Land acknowledgement reading

The University of Nebraska is a public, land-grant institution with campuses and programs across the State that reside on the past, present, and future homelands of the Pawnee, Ponca, Oto Missouria, Omaha, Dakota, Lakota, Arapaho, Cheyenne, and Kaw Peoples, as well as the relocated Ho Chunk (Winnebago), Iowa, and Sac and Fox Peoples.

Consent Agenda

      Minutes from September 14, 2023 – approved by unanimous consent

      Approval of today's Agenda – approved by unanimous consent

      Committee Reports: Consent Agendas provided by Personnel Affairs, Communications and Bylaws Committees.

Officer Reports

President, Sara Haake

Welcome of new members – Lisa Vonfeldt, Megan Ebbers, Spencer Hall, and Kristen Jagels

During the meeting, please use microphones so that everyone can hear what is being offered. 

All Staff Conference Planning Committee has asked that we host District Breakout Sessions during the Conference. These will be scheduled for May 21 from 1-2 p.m. in the East Campus Union. We will talk more about what this will look like at a later meeting.  The day before, there will be a vendor table set up where we can display swag and talk with constituents.

Successful Collaborations

     APC: plays a big part in budget reduction policies. Sara and Jordan are engaging. APC changed their bylaws to include staff once we were officially created.

     Faculty Senate: has also changed their bylaws to include Staff Senate. Sara and Joann have been attending. Kim Schellpeper is liaising with the Faculty Senate by serving on their DEI committee.

     Chancellor’s Office: Sara and Joann have been meeting with Chief of Staff Josh Davis. Sara sent a letter to the Chancellor to discuss the use of the term “non-faculty” to reference staff. She was invited to talk before the Chancellor’s Executive Leadership Team. While there, she was met with a great amount of support.

     Individuals on Campus: One example is a staff member who is working on a proposal for a staff ombudsman.  She has met with the DEI committee working on anti-bullying, as ombuds were part of their vision for an anti-bullying policy.  

     Affiliate Members: Staff members who are experts in an area we are pursuing or simply are passionate about helping the Staff Senate move forward. 

     Newsletter updates for all staff: Collaboration with the Buoy Program through the College of Journalism and Mass Communication. It is anticipated that the first newsletter will be sent out after the first of the year, and quarterly thereafter. 

     Presidential Search Committee: the committee was formed. There have been listening sessions on campus. A survey link/email address to collect further information from interested members of campus and the   community who may not have attended the listening sessions. We will have an opportunity to help vet candidates who are brought to campus. 

Internal Vice President, Jordan Gonzales  

Meeting Structure: We want our meeting to be as comfortable as possible, and accessible for the needs of members and guests. If you have suggestions on how to improve meetings to make them more accessible, please reach out to Jordan with your suggestions.

Jordan, along with other members like Senator Tetreault, attend the monthly Council on Inclusive Excellence and Diversity meeting with Senator Pat Tetreault. The agenda focuses on national, regional, and local trends that impact DEI generally and in American higher education.

Jordan informed us of the  State of Diversity event will occur on Thursday, Nov. 16 from 9 a.m. to 1:00 pm at the Nebraska Union. Senators are encouraged to register and attend the event as their schedules allow.

APC: As noted above, Sara and Jordan are part of the APC discussions on budget cuts. It is important to have conversations now, rather than waiting, so start having the conversation with your dean or director and ask about the budget going forward, and how will they protect their staff/dept. Ask the hard questions, and force the hard conversations, as a representative of Staff Senate. The closer the decisions get to the Chancellor, the more difficult any changes will be. APC can make comments and suggestions on the budget plan. Some may be adopted, while others will not.  

External Vice President, Jessie Brophy

NU Staff Advisory Board:  Sara and Jessie attend these meetings to represent this campus.  One current goal is to solidify the NUSAB as a formal, recognized group within the NU system.  To request formal recognition by the Board of Regents will require staff representation on all four campuses. UNMC does not yet have a representative body like a staff senate, while UNL, UNO, and UNK do. 

Leadership engagement: District 6 senators met with Mike Boehm last month. This will be an ongoing event every two months.


There were no actionable items submitted by committees.

New Business/ Open Mic 

Jill Flagel (District 2): Accessibility issues within the meeting space. Is it possible to have stand/sit desks available in the room.

Markea Peteranetz (District 3): Is it possible for communications sent out by the executive committee to be shared with the remainder of the Senate? 

Patrick Barrett (District 1): We need co-chairs for each committee.  If you are interested in serving in that way, please let the executive committee know. 

Alex Zatizabal Boryca (Affiliate): When attending a talking session for the President search, about 60% of the discussion revolved around staff issues.  Concern at the session was raised regarding compensation, and the need for staff voices in the search process.  Alex also mentioned that she and others are currently looking at the issue of leave time during the holiday shut down.

Spencer Hall (District 3): Last spring with budget cuts, more details were provided. The information released yesterday was not as detailed. Will those details be forthcoming? Yes, they will. Those engaged in the process are not as far in the process. More details will be coming as the information is determined. 

Tony Lazarowicz (District 3): A-lot (red zone) parking permits are being offered again by Parking & Transit Services. Raised concerns about new employees at the university having to pay higher costs for parking when A-lot permits are unavailable.  Acknowledged that it would be nice to have the Chancellor attend a Staff Senate meeting. Similarly, it would be great to hear from the Athletic Director regarding the changes to the Stadium and how those changes may impact employee ticket holders. 

Jenn Rutt (District 7):  What is the Communications Committee doing regarding sharing formal guidance for meeting with districts, units, etc.  Derek McConnell, co-chair of that committee, is focusing on communications with the greater campus community. Jessie Brophy suggested that districts not wait for formal direction, but instead to start making those connections right away.  She would be happy to share how D6 started this conversation with their VC and others. Jordan Gonzalez referenced an email Jerri Harner sent out to D2 leadership and said he would send it to Patrick Barrett to place in the Liaison file for all to reference.

Rhonda Zugmier (District 1): When messages are sent to the Staff Senate website, how do senators learn of that information? Joann receives those email communications. If the emails are asking for communication, Joann may simply answer them and share them with the Executive Committee. If they are more detailed questions, she will forward them to the appropriate committee. She keeps a spreadsheet of emails and how they are directed and answered.

Scott Evans (District 6): Nebraska Extension includes employees who are paid by the counties who are not receiving communication from the Chancellor or President. How do we get that information to those employees? Jerri Harner, Communications Co-Chair, believes a simple solution is to place these communications in Teams.

Meeting adjourned at 3:25.

The meeting will be held in the Nebraska Union Auditorium. The minutes are respectfully submitted by Joann Ross, Coordinator, and Jodie Barnes, Secretary.